WTI Crude Oil Price Nosedives to Its 4-Year Lows As Saudi Arabia Starts an Oil Price War

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Written By: Angeline Feliciano
  • WTI crude oil price CFDs is trading at its lowest level in 4-years as OPEC+ talks breakdown and Saudi Arabia moves to take a bigger market share.

WTI crude oil price CFDs opened this week’s trading with a $6.92 weekend gap following the breakdown of OPEC+ talks last week. The commodity’s spot price dropped even lower to $27.48.

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A meeting was called between the Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries (OPEC) and Russia (OPEC+) in Vienna on March 5 and 6. The goal was to come up with a solution for dropping crude oil price which was down by over 20% at the time. With the coronavirus outbreak causing disruptions in businesses and limitations on travel, demand for the commodity has been significantly lower.

However, negotiations turned sour. Russia did not agree to higher production cuts proposed by Saudi Arabia. It would have meant that the number of barrels of oil produced per day will be reduced by 1.5 million. In response, the world’s largest oil exporter declared an oil price war. Beginning next month, Saudi Arabia will boost oil production to over 10 million barrels per day. The country’s national petroleum and natural gas company, Saudi Aramco, also began offering discounts to customers in Asia, the US, and Europe. Instead of working with the cartel to collectively boost crude oil price, Saudi Arabia is now looking to make the most for itself by capturing a bigger market share.

WTI Crude Oil Price Outlook

As of this writing, WTI crude oil price CFDs is trading around $27.92. This is also the price level where it bottomed on January 2016. Signs of reversal could mean that crude oil price may soon recover its losses to its previous support at $44.30. A bullish run can be triggered by renewed talks between OPEC+ members. Another scenario would be for Saudi Arabia to announce more conservative production hikes.

On the other hand, if the supply of oil surges next month, we could see crude oil price fall to its 2002 lows at $23.13.

Written By: Angeline Feliciano

Angeline Feliciano has been trading Forex for over ten years. She has invaluable experience working in FX education companies like BabyPips.com and Learn to Trade as a trader, currency analyst, trading coach, and presenter. Aside from these roles, she has also created intensive educational content on fundamental analysis which is heavily sought after by retail traders. She has taught hundreds of people how to trade the FX market in the Philippines and in Australia. When she is not trading, you can find her in the gym lifting weights.

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Written By: Angeline Feliciano