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Why Do Some Blockchain Platforms Have Die Hard Communities?

Michael Abadha Blockchain market writer
  • Most blockchain projects attribute their success to their vibrant fan bases and project leaders. Below we discuss this complex matrix.

Several blockchain communities can display a cult-like mentality toward the project they support. For several projects, those diehard communities make the difference between staying relevant and slowly disappearing off people’s radars. The big question is whether this fanaticism makes people lose sight of the technology underpinning everything, and if so, whether that is a bad thing.

Blockchain Can Breed Cult-Live Behavior

There are various reasons why people passionately support specific blockchain projects. It is often a finance-driven activity as they want a project they invested in to do well so they can make a profit down the line. Others are passionate about the technology and its potential, even though they may not always acknowledge shortcomings or inefficiencies. 

Going all-in on specific projects – either financially or support-wise – is perfectly fine. In fact, it is recommended to only look into projects striking a chord with the user, rather than blindly investing in what other people recommended and potentially paying the price afterward. Every blockchain ecosystem has a lot to offer, but it takes a while to get used to everything that is going on. Moreover, by the time one knows everything, the developers have likely come up with changes and improvements. 

Passion is what drives innovation and ideas. It leads to meaningful discussions, proposals, improvements, products, and services. Without such fanatical support, blockchain projects would be off far worse overall. Let’s take a look at some of these communities and why they are the way they are.


The Tron community is a very faithful bunch that primarily flock around the “cult leader” Justin Sun. Tron’s founder has significantly impacted this blockchain ecosystem and is responsible for its acquisition of BitTorrent technology, among other things. Additionally, the ecosystem benefits from the support of the Poloniex exchange, which proves invaluable in bringing more people into the ecosystem.

For the community members, Justin Sun is almost akin to a descendant from God, and he has the track record to prove it too. However, Tron has other benefits, including the transparency and enthusiasm by everyone who is building on this technology stack. When people are passionate about building something on a blockchain, that excitement will spill over to the people interacting with products and services. 

As Tron continues to grow and expand – it has a more than solid presence in decentralized finance, and there is NFT support too – the fanaticism among community members continues to reach new peak levels. However, one can’t deny all these people have genuine reasons to be excited about the progress to date, even if the future’s not set in stone yet.


Play-to-earn games have become a staple in the cryptocurrency industry over the past year and a half. Apeiron, the first god-game on the blockchain, has quickly climbed the ranks and built a tremendous community in quick succession. People who enjoy playing video games are often passionate by default, and that passion will lead to engaging talks with others, new ideas, strategies, etc. Combining that default mindset with incentives to earn rewards by becoming a better player or advancing one’s character creates a potent cocktail.

However, there is more to the Apeiron community than meets the eye at first. These diehard gamers are not in it for just the rewards, but they also enjoy the structure and gameplay of Apeiron. There is much to do in this god-game and different ways of achieving these goals. Furthermore, players can wipe out entire planets to start over at any time, which will help them level up their Godlings. There is no reason not to play, which is how video games should be.

Furthermore, the approach and vision of the Apeiron team cater to the three core groups. Group 1 is the investors who expect the game to become a big hit with a sustainable economy. Group 2 is the play-to-earn fans who want to make money while having fun. The final group is the hardcore gamers who want engaging content and the ability to upgrade and control their Godlings and other in-game assets. It is a trifecta that takes this project’s excitement to god-like levels. 


Whether one likes or dislikes the Cardano currency/technology mainly comes down to whether one likes/dislikes Charles Hoskinson. It is impossible to ignore Charles whenever Cardano is the topic of conversation, even though his name is not just entwined with this project. Charles cares tremendously about a lot of things and he is a charismatic individual who will convey that passion to anyone willing to listen. The CEO of Cardano can captivate an audience like very few others in the industry can, which is why so many people take an interest in Cardano these days.

Another contributing factor to Hoskinson’s influence is his social activism. Even when he talks about Cardano, he will also touch upon important global concerns, with a strong focus on the African continent. By talking about real people and their problems, he draws in a crowd. Moreover, he finds ways in which Cardano may help alleviate some of these concerns. Cryptocurrencies are designed to be accessible by everyone and make a difference in day-to-day lives, and Charles wants to get that message across loud and clear.

It is safe to say Cardano wouldn’t be where it is today without Charles Hoskinson and the diehard Cardano community. Moreover, they continue to create an ongoing maelstrom of bringing more people into crypto, making it beneficial for the industry at large. 

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