Finance and Business

Revolution In Financial Management: The Power of 3-Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Efficiency

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Written By: Valentin Kuzmenko
Reviewed By: Mohamed Yonis
  • Learn how blockchain and smart contracts bring to fruition a revolution in finance management to lift your digital financial solution to new heights.

Whether you’re a private accounting firm or a multi-million international enterprise, the epocha of orthodox capital management is coming to an end. In this piece, we’ll explain how Blockchain empowered by smart contacts and other perks revamps operations, marking a true revolution in finance management.

Introduction to Blockchain, smart contracts, and efficiency

At the outset, let us note that these facets of the tech revolution are brought to fruition not only within the scope of finance but also in numerous domains, e.g. insurance, logistics, wealth management, etc.

Understanding the basics of Blockchain technology and its relevance in finance

Although the cryptographic ledger heralds the fintech revolution, it has been on the scene for the last fifteen years. It’s acknowledged for dependable registration and authentication of interactions spanning sundry computing units and endpoints. The irrefutable and translucent lineage of operations sidesteps middlemen and curbs fraudulent activities. All logged entries, without exception, are organized in a “segment” that is affiliated with the preceding segment. Thus, they forge a linear continuum of entries.

 The perks related to the tech revolution incorporate: 

  • Instantaneous audit trailing as every single occurrence is chronologically marked and kept in the register.
  • Fortified safeguarding as the concept engulfs fragmenting inputs across sundry endpoints and in no case banks on a lone critical weak link.
  • Frugal spending is guaranteed by computerized treaties with preordained specifications that bring along automation and eradicate go-betweens.

Exploring the concept of smart contracts and their role in automating financial operations

As brought up earlier, smart contracts self-activate preordained provisions. Conventional services with their manual scrutiny are notorious for dilatory operations and dependency on go-betweens who do no more than uphold adherence. 

Formalizing procedural criteria inherently in the code sparks a true revolution as all collaborating entities must abide by the negotiated clauses. Once these are accomplished, the provision of the interrelated services is prompted.

Touching on the revolution in financial management, smart contracts are applied in the following niches:

  • In commercial finance, they mechanize payment workflows and confirm fund payout exclusively upon item handover, the accomplishment of services, etc.
  • In loaning and advances, they rationalize loan and redemption arrangements.
  • Lastly, they systematize reporting procedures and validate that fiscal management activities respect legal stipulations.

Ironically, the strong suit of smart contracts, i.e. their unmodifiable nature, can play a low-down trick with a business as the hiccups in the scripts are addressed with arduousness.

Recognizing the importance of efficiency in modern financial processes

Efficiency as a principal determinant of financial revolution denotes the abolition of extraneous stages and the resolution of logjams and holdups. It incorporates the following facets:

  • Well-established record management with lightning-fast review and presenting, which engulfs programmed data extraction, tech-enabled record maintenance, and so on.
  • The convergence of billing mechanisms, expense management, etc., for fluid detail transfer and immediate observability.
  • Streamlining of scripted routines, e.g. verification and reconciliation of statements, etc.
  • Adoption of self-assistance interfaces, e-payment alternatives, and CRM novelties for superior client encounters.

The benefits of Blockchain in financial operations

The peer-to-peer and irrevocable essence of trailblazing alternatives brings along numerous assets.

Enhancing security and trust through decentralized ledger technology

The federated structure has made a revolution in security by facilitating entry dispersion across myriad nodal points. This defining feature counters any illegitimate interference with records.

Robust cryptography schemes secure that all transactional events are inscribed on Blockchain, being enciphered and tethered to the preceding event. Thus, this concatenation is eminently resistant to alterations or erasure.

Pre-coordinated agreement protocols arrange that all network constituents accord on the correctness of operations preceding their placement on Blockchain. Proof of work, proof of stake, and other prevailing frameworks furnish an augmented security buffer as they oblige calculative or share-dependent inputs to authenticate proceedings.

Referring to finance operations management, credential and client background confirmation operationalized by means of KYC efficiencies enrollment programs while curbing the peril of impersonation and identity misrepresentation. Revolution in defense is also observed in inter-country remittances that transpire one-on-one and within the purview of inventory finance where the attribute, integrity, and value of assets are endorsed at every leg of the materials management.

Improving transparency and traceability in transactions

All operations captured on the chain can be accessed by any of the engaged individuals. This guarantees that devious schemes, expunging, or variation are unlikely to remain inconspicuous. Irrefutable accountability tracing facilitates rigorous scrutiny and examination of every individual transaction. 

As noted earlier, in the arena of supply chain funding solutions, the conveyance of wares and capital is reliably supervised. As for token disbursements, settlement particulars can be freely viewed by all related parties at any moment. When acquiring backing, dealings are finalized with superior verifiability by leveraging tokenized securities. On top of this, dependably registered proprietorship, conveyancing, and related pertinent details not only permit equity holders to relentlessly follow the fund pathway but also to maintain observance of legal mandates.

With respect to complexities, reaching the optimal middle ground between lucidity and anonymity is imperative to preserve restricted access to proprietary details while retaining the merits of accountability.

Enabling faster and more cost-effective cross-border payments

Classic finance and operations management enlists sundry intermediary institutions with their processing charges and stretches out over quite several days. 

Blockchain grants the capacity to elaborate disintermediated remittance networks. This slashes interposed-connected budgets and dramatically fast-tracks settlement durations. It should be emphasized that tokenized assets sidestep fiat-related interchanges. Furthermore, fixed-value tokens are a solid trading medium that, additionally, is unfluctuating.

What’s more, ledger-enabled remittance conduits and similar next-gen techniques enable on-the-spot clearing and settlement and instantaneous disbursement validations.

Empowering automation with smart contracts

Smart contracts standardize monetary workflows, solidify protection, and attain supremacy in operations.

Automating contract execution and compliance through self-executing smart contracts

Accords and conventions among the interacting parties are stipulated by cipher-protected smart contracts. These are set up to self-engage preordained steps upon the occurrence of defined prerequisites. At this, go-betweens or personal control are surplus to observe binding provisions. This trims the administrative encumbrance and moderates the vulnerability to inaccuracies.

Smart contracts also tackle and navigate regulatory non-adherence exposures. Explicit directives and constraints preserve the adherence to enforceable obligations by all contributors.

Self-enforcing mechanisms promote frictionless disbursement, e.g. programmed stock management in favor of a partnering vendor once goods acquisition has been authenticated. They also come indispensable to formalizing intricate procedures by digitizing compensations orchestrated by pre-set activating conditions.

Setbacks of smart contracts source from their inability to decode extrinsic occurrences. Therefore, the exactitude and exhaustiveness of the given entries turn pivotal.

Streamlining payment processes and reducing administrative overheads

Tokenized fund processing, as we’ve already emphasized, links parties directly, devoid of the protracted cooperation with myriad banks, gateways, clearing bureaus, etc. This revolution in financial management catalyzes virtually lightning-fast deal reconciliation as many vetting, resolution, and licensing formalities are abolished. Within a distributed architecture, exchanges are substantiated and captured without latency. Thus, the implications connected with all this heel-dragging are likewise eradicated.

Economic burdens are also profoundly downsized owing to automation. Old-fashioned routines necessitate arduous hand-operated detail inputting, balancing, and manipulation of hardcopy files, that are, above all else, susceptible to oversights. Mechanization advances remittance pathways and relinquishes assets for revenue-generating undertakings. Code-based contracts add to bolstered efficacy as they’re scripted to initiate remittances upon the accomplishment of predetermined parameters.

Mitigating risks and ensuring accuracy in financial agreements

Thanks to chronological labeling, the authentic time of every occasion is strictly registered. Thus, one can effortlessly substantiate their exactitude.

The shared consensus protocols that we’ve pointed out earlier uphold that all enlisted elements related to finance are factual and justifiable with eradicated potential for divergences or illicit revisions.

Apart from that, optionally integrated escrow protocols affirm extended shielding by conferring holdings to a disinterested adjudicator until stipulated parameters are attained. This counteracts perils as the counterparts have no other choice but to adhere to their commitments in order to relinquish holdings. This subdues the probability of remittance controversies or infringement.

The reinforced shielding pertaining to the financial revolution we’re now bringing up lies in well-elaborated cryptosecurity means. 

It’s deserving of highlighting that this type of advancement alleviates the dependency on a standalone point of risk embodied in the key supervisory force. As proceedings are endorsed and corroborated by sundry contributors, the stability of fiscal accords is fortified.

Unlocking efficiency in financial operations

Finance and operations management bodies of any capacity are incessantly pursuing divergent options to amplify the output.

Leveraging real-time data and analytics for better decision-making

Continuously updated conveyance of information that is compiled, computed, and appraised is, as a norm, acquired from market tickers, patron dealings, social platforms, and alternative outlets.

Establishments that possess resilient data backbone, growth-oriented visualization tools, and adept data scientists, avail themselves of the onslaught of adequately decoded files.

By resting their eyes on the exact depiction of commercial climate, firms steadily gauge market ups and downs, breaking occurrences, and the audience’s attitudes to take proactive steps. Furthermore, through the adoption of computational modeling, pattern detection, and foresight intelligence, firms discern regularities and spot outliers in market swings and clientele attitudes.

In addition to the above, concurrent data exploration aids in spotting illicit conduct and defense infringements, sustaining unique customer engagements, delivering personalized endorsements, etc.

Optimizing workflows and reducing manual errors

By rationalizing their procedures, establishments assure speedy delivery of services and an impeccable encounter with customers. By what means do they accomplish this feat?

  • Roboticizing data ingestion, conversion, and alignment of documentation, as well as by amalgamating sundry finance programs leads to the development of interrelated networks where materials flawlessly circulate within the continuum of the workflow checkpoints. 
  • Capitalizing on APIs and program synchronization instruments spurs the development of a well-coordinated flow.
  • Digitally archiving informational materials averts the mislaying of archives, ameliorates convenience, and cultivates group collaboration.
  • Enforcing rule-driven validation and failure tolerance modalities cuts down on fallibility by signaling anticipated drawbacks and imposing abidance by legal directives.
  • Interpreting KPIs ameliorates finance and operations management by equipping specialists to locate chokepoints, sluggishness, and vulnerability-prone areas.

Improving customer experiences through faster and more seamless transactions

Elongated clearance procedures, hard-copy flows, and tiered ID checks can exhaust clients’ patience.

E-wallets, tap-and-go payouts, and speedy remittances have marked the revolution in finance management by catalyzing express trades in the snap of a finger. Contemporary development also mandates envisioning navigable and user-responsive screens of e-banking portals to browse through their myriad selections.

To refine clients’ journeys, it’s advisable that organizations stress aggregation of architecture and content spanning diverse mediums. This empowers users to kickstart commerce through one medium and uninterruptedly advance or wrap it up through another one. At this, they spare from the effort of rekeying details or commencing from a clean slate.

Further suggested measures comprise observing miscellaneous purchase behaviors to present prescient guidance and preemptively settle transactional hiccups and preoccupations via phone-based, chat-based, and email assistance.

Case studies: real-world examples of revolutionized financial operations

See outstanding case studies that show how the ideas of the financial revolution have been realized by miscellaneous customers.

A logistics Blockchain-based platform for freight booking

Andersen’s customer sought to make a revolution in shipping reservations. Through their newly introduced solution, consignors, freight forwarders, and cargo movers now distinguish hurdles, keep tabs on cargo movements, and systematize mundane routines.

Adept development specialists crafted an intuitive API and durable, extensible, and high-output service-oriented architectures, as well as deployed pioneering distributed protocols. 

App features comprise:

  • Transparent Blockchain mechanism to retain entries of consigned units,
  • Rigorous scrutiny of chronologically documented steps, authenticated negotiations, etc.,
  • Notifications of cargo destinations and scheduled arrival at the location,
  • Portal for exchanging messages.

As a result of ordering robust blockchain smart contract development services, the customer availed themselves of fast-tracked proceedings, a well-established QA framework, a well-designed control panel, and ameliorated value chain recordability.

Automating insurance claims with Ethereum smart contracts

The revolution in financial management hasn’t sidestepped the niche of insurance reimbursements.

  • Reimbursement for travel delays. AI-powered delayed departure coverage based on scripted contracts gauges live aircraft updates, quantifies waiting timeframe, and sets off fast-track remunerations to indemnitees.
  • Weather insurance. Default values in the scripts instigate indemnity compensations in times of calamities, e.g. cyclones or quakes. To illustrate, on the occasion of a whirlwind, the algorithm can be formulated to kickstart bankroll dispensation when gust velocities outstrip a set boundary within a particular locale. Thus, indemnitees skip interminable and, at times, biased claim validation protocols and have prompt access to aid.
  • Medical reimbursement submissions. The effectiveness of this type of finance operations management is crucial in the sector of care, where promptness, confidence, and unambiguity are a must. Users e-file their billings firsthand into the system. Subsequently, their entitlement is cross-checked and, in case everything is correct, the compensation is remitted.

Transforming cross-border payments with RippleNet

Transboundary remittances are frequently correlated with exorbitant tariffs, sluggish turnaround durations, and insufficiency of visibility. The debut of RippleNet, a world-scale clearing network driven by Blockchain, has brought a radical revolution in finance management.

  • Santander’s One Pay FX. This behemoth banking establishment rolled out software for accelerated intercontinental remittances that are, in addition, economical as interbank partners and exchange commissions are excluded.
  • Partnership with MoneyGram. Clients of this grand wire transfer service now rest their eyes on lightning-fast and reasonable transmittals, briskly forwarding assets.
  • Standard Chartered and Central Bank Digital Currency Transfers. 

Within a live pilot, this prominent multinational banking establishment instigated a true revolution and availed themselves of the unimpeded conveyance of CBDCs between allied establishments for instant conveyances of tokenized assets.

This post was last modified on Jul 05, 2023, 16:44 BST 16:44

Written By: Valentin Kuzmenko
Reviewed By: Mohamed Yonis

Chief Commercial Officer/ VP of Sales | Andersen works in close cooperation with customers to define, craft, and improve high-performing software solutions across numerous industries.

Published by
Written By: Valentin Kuzmenko
Reviewed By: Mohamed Yonis